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The event aims to demonstrate how the construction of aquatic environments is carried out. It will consist of a set of classes that will show in theory and in practice how the constructions of different aquatic environments work.

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We are going to build the largest complex of natural aquatic environments in the world. Because of this milestone, this will be the first and last chance to participate in a unique, detailed and professional event like this one. As it is a complete event, it is difficult to compare it with other events in the segment, so it is crucial to consider the uniqueness of this practical, face-to-face and professional course.

Unique and incomparable event

6 environments

Each of the environments has a purpose and a concept. During the classes you will understand how each of the respective environments is made, we will teach you all the details so that you can apply it to your work.

In addition to unique andincomparable, the event has limited seats, so be sure to guarantee your pre-registration as soon as possible.

limited vacancies

You will learn

Based on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method, the course will not address just one methodology or specific techniques. We will have a complete course that proposes to present the different techniques and styles of assembly possible and existing in the market, from the basics to the most advanced, from end to end.

what are we going to see

Study of the executive project and dimensioning

Earth modeling and site preparation

Waterproofing with blankets and collages

Hydraulic mesh and device fixing

Placement of stones and gravel

Machine room for environments

Equipment for filtration and preparation for activation

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Formulário de inscrição
  • When will the event be?
    The official dates will be announced. But we expect it to be in the first half of 2023. Stay tuned on social media and the website
  • What days will the event take place?
    There will be 5 days of event, where each of the participants must be present to attend all classes and lectures.
  • Where will the event take place?
    All classes will be held at the headquarters of Natural Lagos. Located in the city of Araraquara, in the interior of São Paulo. Full address: R. Pedro Arroyo, 800 - Chácara Flora Araraquara, Araraquara - SP, 14805-316.
  • How to go to the event?
    For this, the cost of the trip is borne by the participant. Therefore, whatever the transportation, Natural Lagos is not responsible for transport
  • what time will it be
    Building Lagos & Ties will start at 9 am and will continue throughout the day. With breaks for lunch, coffee and snacks in order to preserve the health and rest of the participants properly.
  • Can I bring companions?
    It is not allowed to bring companions, or family, friends, acquaintances. The full value of your ticket to the event is valid only and exclusively for the person who registered with the proper RG and CPF. Anyone who comes with the student must also have registered as a participant and purchased the Official Ticket.
  • Is my stay in the city guaranteed?
    We do not cover the costs of your hotel, inn or rent in the city, this is also the responsibility of the participant. It is only possible to indicate the partner hotels that will be offering discounts for the stay of the participants.
  • What do I need to take?
    For the course you must bring everything you would use in a normal course, bring your identification documents for security, if we are still within the safety standards of COVID-19 it is mandatory to use protective masks and temperature measurement
  • I'm not in the lakes and pools segment, can I participate?
    It could, however, we are giving preference to people in the area who seek in-depth knowledge regarding the construction of ornamental lakes and natural pools for professional purposes or as a hobby for fishkeeping.
  • I have more specific questions how can I do it?
    Every Thursday on our Instagram we will be answering questions live.


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