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Collaborate by sharing our experience with professionals in construction of ponds and swimming pools field,  to understand the art and design of assembling aquatic environments. 

we will:

commiting to helping you grow your business, climbing the ladder of success and writing your story along with ours.



use of materials, and presence of qualified professionals, who will show in theory and in practice how the planning, execution and maintenance of aquatic environments works. It is a time to answer questions, discover facilities and save what you have learned to apply in your projects. 

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one of the fastest growing markets in brazil

The market for natural pools and ornamental lakes is experiencing rapid expansion and adaptation. A few years ago, the market catered to customers passionate about the world of aquariums with small ornamental ponds.

Today, natural pools are included in architectural projects and we can glimpse different environments with different compositions that surprise both for their contemplative beauty and for the applied technology.

• Lack of specialized labor

• Difficulty of compatibility of the
architecture and engineering projects

• Correct calculations and sizing in executive project

• Evaluation of cost-benefit ratios in assemblies

main market pains

why participate?

This will be a unique event of irregular size, where we will address several subjects and prepare all participants for future challenges in the profession. There will be no more opportunities like this one, and you won't be able to learn these subjects without us. 

Will you miss your only chance?

Pre-register and come and write this story with us. 

To participate it is necessary to pre-register, in which you will read the terms and conditions of the event, learn more about financial details and classes. To sign up, just click the button on the side.

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Are you a company that is interested in our event and would like to actively participate with your logo in our materials and during our event?

Then contact us! 

  • When will the event be?
    The official dates will be announced. But we expect it to be in the first half of 2023. Stay tuned on social media and the website
  • What days will the event take place?
    There will be 5 days of event, where each of the participants must be present to attend all classes and lectures.
  • Where will the event take place?
    All classes will be held at the headquarters of Natural Lagos. Located in the city of Araraquara, in the interior of São Paulo. Full address: R. Pedro Arroyo, 800 - Chácara Flora Araraquara, Araraquara - SP, 14805-316.
  • How to go to the event?
    For this, the cost of the trip is borne by the participant. Therefore, whatever the transportation, Natural Lagos is not responsible for transport
  • what time will it be
    Building Lagos & Ties will start at 9 am and will continue throughout the day. With breaks for lunch, coffee and snacks in order to preserve the health and rest of the participants properly.
  • Can I bring companions?
    It is not allowed to bring companions, or family, friends, acquaintances. The full value of your ticket to the event is valid only and exclusively for the person who registered with the proper RG and CPF. Anyone who comes with the student must also have registered as a participant and purchased the Official Ticket.
  • Is my stay in the city guaranteed?
    We do not cover the costs of your hotel, inn or rent in the city, this is also the responsibility of the participant. It is only possible to indicate the partner hotels that will be offering discounts for the stay of the participants.
  • What do I need to take?
    For the course you must bring everything you would use in a normal course, bring your identification documents for security, if we are still within the safety standards of COVID-19 it is mandatory to use protective masks and temperature measurement
  • I'm not in the lakes and pools segment, can I participate?
    It could, however, we are giving preference to people in the area who seek in-depth knowledge regarding the construction of ornamental lakes and natural pools for professional purposes or as a hobby for fishkeeping.
  • I have more specific questions how can I do it?
    Every Thursday on our Instagram we will be answering questions live.


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